Strong Community Campaign

Why Have An Endowment Fund?

Establishing an endowment fund is very important to an organization which plans to serve the community for many years. Economic conditions often change over time and it is prudent to make financial plans for the future. The endowment fund was created to provide resources for our YMCA for the future.

There is not a minimum amount on making a gift to endowment, any size gift will help. many people don’t have large sums of money to give, but small donations in memory of loved ones or a tribute to a special friend is an option. You can name the YMCA as beneficiary of an insurance policy as well as gifts of land or investments that have appreciated over time. We welcome the opportunity to discuss options with anyone who wishes to help ensure the future of our YMCA.

Charitable Gift Annuities

The charitable gift annuity is a simple arrangement that allows you to make gifts to the Spencer Family YMCA and lock in a secure lifetime income for you and/or a loved one. To establish a gift annuity with the Spencer Family YMCA, you donate cash, marketable securities or other property, and in return the YMCA pledges you and/or another annuitant a fixed amount for life. Gift annuities offer you a number of economic benefits:

-You are entitled to a sizeable income tax charitable deduction

-Annuity income and your tax savings usually produce increased spendable income

-When you donate appreciated property, capital gain taxes may be avoided

-The donated assets are removed from your estate for gift and estate tax purposes

Most importantly, the financial benefits derived from creating a gift annuity enable friends of the Spencer Family YMCA to make significant contributions, often larger than would otherwise be possible or comfortable.

If you have an interest in exploring a type of planned gift or remembering the Spencer Family YMCA in a special way, please contact Nathan Prenzlow at 712-262-3782, P.O. Box 212, Spencer, IA 51301.

The funds raised through the Strong Community Campaign are committed to providing scholarships to youth and families who, because of income, could not be members of the Spencer Family YMCA. No one is refused membership because of lack of funds. Last year the Strong Community Campaign raised more than $100,000 and your contribution will help us reach our goal of $115,000.